Klaar voor een carrière in tech?

HerFuture is de grootste community voor vrouwelijke studenten en young professionals geïnteresseerd in tech.

Aankomende evenementen

HerFuture Grand Summit

Graduating soon? Join the event of the year with a career fair, seated dinner, and lots of HerFuture coded surprises - all in one evening.
6 May 2025 | Wereldmuseum Rotterdam
Pre-register now

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Inzichten en ervaringen van 218 jonge vrouwen in tech

Download de HerFuture whitepaper

Inzichten en ervaringen van 218 jonge vrouwen in tech

HerFuture verbindt vrouwelijke studenten (geinteresseerd) in tech

Ik ben inmiddels naar meerdere HerFuture evenementen geweest, en elke keer haal ik er weer iets nieuws uit. De sfeer bij de evenementen is altijd laagdrempelig, waardoor ik makkelijk in contact kom met bedrijven en open kan praten over carrièremogelijkheden. Wat ik vooral waardeer, is de community – het voelt echt als een sisterhood, met Micky en Linky als de twee oudere zussen die je begeleiden en supporten.


HerFuture has been so much more than events or the app alone - it’s a long-term strategy for personal and professional growth. Being part of the community has helped me develop confidence, expand my network, and gain exposure to opportunities I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. It’s not just about attending a single event and getting an internship; it’s about ongoing learning and support that prepares you for these opportunities when they arise.


I’m truly grateful to HerFuture - not only for the networking opportunities but also for introducing me to so many more companies and career paths than I would have discovered on my own! Finding HerFuture has been one of the most rewarding parts of my journey in tech. HerFuture isn’t just about networking - it’s about belonging. I’ve met incredible students and recruiters through this community.


Thank you, HerFuture for organizing such inspiring and supportive events. I’ve attended several HerFuture events, and each time I’ve truly appreciated the welcoming and empowering atmosphere. I’m naturally more introverted and don’t often push myself out of my comfort zone. However, at HerFuture events, I feel comfortable and safe engaging in conversations. It’s a space where I can genuinely share my thoughts without hesitation, and that means a lot to me. Thank you again for all the work you do in building such an inclusive and encouraging community!


HerFuture made me realize that when there are many women in one place, we thrive to become our best selves, and that HerFuture events are amazing at creating this atmosphere. The Candle & CVs Workshop such a wholesome and emotionally fulfilling event. HerFuture offers such a nice and safe environment without the pressure of ‘networking professionally.’


I was drawn to HerFuture for the networking opportunities with companies and employees, which open doors to new possibilities. At the Picnic Inhouse Day, I met new people and got a great behind-the-scenes look at what Picnic does. The case study was a unique chance to practice my skills. I especially enjoyed the coffee art — but the case study was definitely the standout for me. I came by myself, but it was totally worth the journey.


Ik ben inmiddels naar meerdere HerFuture evenementen geweest, en elke keer haal ik er weer iets nieuws uit. De sfeer bij de evenementen is altijd laagdrempelig, waardoor ik makkelijk in contact kom met bedrijven en open kan praten over carrièremogelijkheden. Wat ik vooral waardeer, is de community – het voelt echt als een sisterhood, met Micky en Linky als de twee oudere zussen die je begeleiden en supporten.


HerFuture has been so much more than events or the app alone - it’s a long-term strategy for personal and professional growth. Being part of the community has helped me develop confidence, expand my network, and gain exposure to opportunities I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. It’s not just about attending a single event and getting an internship; it’s about ongoing learning and support that prepares you for these opportunities when they arise.


I’m truly grateful to HerFuture - not only for the networking opportunities but also for introducing me to so many more companies and career paths than I would have discovered on my own! Finding HerFuture has been one of the most rewarding parts of my journey in tech. HerFuture isn’t just about networking - it’s about belonging. I’ve met incredible students and recruiters through this community.


Thank you, HerFuture for organizing such inspiring and supportive events. I’ve attended several HerFuture events, and each time I’ve truly appreciated the welcoming and empowering atmosphere. I’m naturally more introverted and don’t often push myself out of my comfort zone. However, at HerFuture events, I feel comfortable and safe engaging in conversations. It’s a space where I can genuinely share my thoughts without hesitation, and that means a lot to me. Thank you again for all the work you do in building such an inclusive and encouraging community!


HerFuture made me realize that when there are many women in one place, we thrive to become our best selves, and that HerFuture events are amazing at creating this atmosphere. The Candle & CVs Workshop such a wholesome and emotionally fulfilling event. HerFuture offers such a nice and safe environment without the pressure of ‘networking professionally.’


I was drawn to HerFuture for the networking opportunities with companies and employees, which open doors to new possibilities. At the Picnic Inhouse Day, I met new people and got a great behind-the-scenes look at what Picnic does. The case study was a unique chance to practice my skills. I especially enjoyed the coffee art — but the case study was definitely the standout for me. I came by myself, but it was totally worth the journey.


Een carrière in techniek is meer dan alleen IT

Voor en door vrouwen in tech

inspire her

sociale en professionele evenementen, inspirerende gastsprekers, en workshops

connect her

aan vrouwelijke medestudenten en young professionals, rolmodellen en bedrijven

support her

career coaching

match her

droomstage of -baan in tech

“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.”

HerFuture on the go